167,163 likes · 272 talking about this · 1,327 were here. Fibula Air. Naum Boat Tour; Bitola; Skopje and Canyon Matka; Debar Spa & Monasteries; Pelican Island; Kayaking – Ohrid Lake; Kayaking – Macedonian Amazon; Trpejca; Jeep Safari – Galichica; Jeep Safari – Jablanica; Off Road – Kuratica; The Secrets of a Mountain Farm; Struga – Country Tour;Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras elementum pretium est. The church dates from early 13th century. a. Nunc tincidunt lectus finibus dolor porttitor, nec rutrum dui mattis. [email protected]. An excellent excursion for the lovers of natural beauty (mountains, rivers, lakes, national parks), and those fond of massage and spa treatment in thermal baths with therapeutic water. 30. "Best Tour Operator in Antalya region. 31. There are hundreds of archaeological and historical sites to visit in Greece that gloriously depict the country’s past. Adventure Tours. 20 km without backtracking and its perfect. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Tirana, the heart and capital of Albania, like all other European metropolises has never-ending movement and energy. Debar is positioned next to the Debar lake, formed by. The town of Debar is situated in the westernmost part of the Republic of Macedonia, close to the Albanian border. Lorem ipsum dolor. Crystal. Lake Ohrid is one of the oldest and deepest European lakes and declared World Heritage by UNESCO. Vaša e-mail adresa: Vaša lozinka: Nemate nalog? Možete ga otvoriti klikom na. Sed eleifend sollicitudin nisl, eget tempor odio aliquam quis. Discover Serbia, Macedonia , Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Coratia in 11 days. a. Fibula Travel Macedonia, Skopje. A half-day trip to Struga multicultural villages with an opportunity to taste the local cuisine and feel the rural live. Cras sollicitudin, tellus vitae condimentum egestas, libero dolor auctor tellus, eu consectetur neque elit quis nunc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. A long bone is defined as one whose body is longer than it is wide. Nullam ac justo efficitur, tristique ligula a, pellentesque ipsum. Ne propustite venecijansku luku u gradu Chania i izlete na plažu Balos i Elafonissi, dve plaže sa egzotičnom kristalnom vodom. Bicycle Tour; Hiking Tour; St. Fibula Travel | Kosova. mk Viber & WhatsApp: 070 404 488 Контакт ДТТУ ФИБУЛА ЕР ТРАВЕЛ експорт-импорт - Образец за идентификација. FIBULA your TRAVEL expert! THE ART OF TRAVELING!. Cras sollicitudin, tellus vitae condimentum egestas, libero dolor auctor tellus, eu consectetur neque elit quis nunc. mk. Pentru vara anului 2023, Agentia Fibula Air Travel, va ofera numeroase pachete turistice, cat si servicii de inalta clasa cu propriile curse charter. The Galichica route is on an easy trail with constant view of the Ohrid Lake. Cras sollicitudin, tellus vitae condimentum egestas, libero dolor auctor tellus, eu consectetur neque elit quis nunc. Ohrid is blend of the traditional and the contemporary, the main spiritual, cultural and. Based in the neighborhood of the Bay of Bones, which is part of the Museum on Water at Gradiste, the Diving Center. Route starts from the entrance of the National Park Galichica. Path goes to the other side of the mountain, from Ohrid Lake where is a view of the. s. Call Center +5. 131,911 likes · 1,305 talking about this · 46 were here. Со својот прекрасен пејсаж, одлични услови за на снег и огромен избор на вкусни локални јадења, Бугарија претставува совршена дестинација за сите што сакаат да скијаат или. Established in 2000, 𝐅𝐈𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐀 𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐋 is the first DMC in Macedonia operating the Balkan region as well as Greece, Turkey and more. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country on Balkan Peninsula. Departure from the hotel after breakfast (you will be notified about the exact time by our agent/host and it will. We have two routes for you to choose. Naum Boat Tour; Bitola; Skopje and Canyon Matka; Debar Spa & Monasteries; Pelican Island; Kayaking – Ohrid Lake; Kayaking – Macedonian Amazon; Trpejca;. Join this sailing adventure and allow our experienced skippers to introduce you to the secrets of the sailing and the Ohrid Lake. RODOS hoteli leto 2023. Uncover secrets of charming towns and natural unspoiled places and historical sites with amazing stories from ancient times in the lands between the shore of Adriatic Sea and waves of magic Ohrid Lake. An extraordinary chance to escape from the urban life and while on the horseback to witness the irreplaceable beauties of Mountain Jablanica. Tour AgencyТуристичка агенција Атлантик Турс | Кавадарци, Скопје. Many archaeological finds prove the affinity among the people who dwelled these soils since long ago to raise grapes and produce this nectar of the Gods. Six countries – six fascinating stories of their turbulent history throughout ages. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. First , a visit to the village Stenje , which is known as bay of pelicans . Debar is positioned next to the Debar lake, formed by. [email protected]. These tectonic lakes are filled with extinct plankton and rare fish species. Argus tours Sani Trade & Tours Letovanje 2023. View Map. Beautiful nature, delicious food, great people and the best organization. This is a great city tour for all those who want to visit Ohrid and discover the local culture and cusine with Fibula Tours! Read more. Ako nađete jeftinije čak i na turističkim portalima, vraćamo razliku!Fibula Air Travel Osnovni podaci o firmi: PREDUZEĆE ZA PROIZVODNJU TRGOVINU I USLUGE FIBULA DOO, BEOGRAD (VRAČAR) Adresa sedišta: Resavska 32, 11000 Beograd, Vračar Šifra i naziv delatnosti: 7911 - Delatnost putničkih agencija Matični broj: 17521942 Poreski identifikacioni broj PIB: 103220817 Web (Internet) adresa:. iban xk052033000205747774. 8 Days. Active travellers can kayak, bike, hike or climb. Always take the road less traveled, it’s the most scenic route-it’s the moto of the off-road to Galicica and Jablanica. Around the Lake - Visit the traditional and old-fashioned part of Albania and the places around the Albanian part of Ohrid Lake. Naum Boat Tour; Skopje and Canyon Matka; Bitola; Cultural. Одмор и летување од соништата. $278. Nullam. 112 зборуваат за ова · 46 беа тука. 22,751 likes · 329 talking about this · 37 were here. For the adrenalin chasers, we offer the easiest, fastest and safest experience - the tandem paragliding. roLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Аланија, Кемер, Белек, Сиде, Лара. Nam id nisi posuere, auctor dolor in, malesuada massa. Our guests are the ones who get to. Na našoj platformi možete pogledati i najvažnije poslovne podatke o agenciji Fibula Travel. Let`s explore some of Europe's most stunning mountain ranges, extinct volcanoes, Adriatic shore and lakes promises natural beauty and breathtaking landscapes. Quisque augue ipsum, vehicula et tellus nec, maximus viverra metus. | 173 followers on LinkedIn. Direktan kontakt sa agentom prodaje; Direktni čarter letovi :: SIGURNI POLASCI +15. We offer worldwide photo tours to the top destinations for wildlife, landscape and cultural photography. Today they attract visitors with incredible nature, original culture, music and dancing, delicious food and specific architecture. -Pick your route and enjoy! Ohrid bay sailing tour & Bay of bones sailing tour will give you unique experience with guaranteed satisfaction!Established in 2000, 𝐅𝐈𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐀 𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐋 is the first DMC in Macedonia operating the Balkan region as well as Greece, Turkey and more. CALL your TRAVEL expert: +355 42 42 42 42. Macedonian Saint Tropez - Go in Trpejca, and visit Macedonian Saint Tropez. Quisque augue ipsum, vehicula et tellus nec, maximus viverra metus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer. adresa: rr. The trip continues towards. Cras sollicitudin, tellus vitae condimentum egestas, libero dolor auctor tellus, eu consectetur neque elit quis nunc. Albania is a land of contradictions - on one hand, country of bunkers, the poorest European population, and on the other, super modern buildings and shopping malls. Nunc tincidunt lectus finibus dolor porttitor, nec rutrum dui mattis. Discover Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia in 8 days Touch the history and feel blessed in unspoiled beauty of divine nature of Balkans. Are you a rookie or a pro? Because we have routes for everyone’s conditions. An extraordinary chance to escape from the urban life and while on the horseback to witness the irreplaceable beauties of Mountain Jablanica. Lorem ipsum dolor. Prodaja avio-karata za sve. Jedno od najpopularnijih turskih ljetovališta i poznati jahting centar, destinacija koja odiše kulturom i historijom, ali i odličnim noćnim provodom i prelijepim plažama. com. ₹15,720. One of the most beautiful points at the Ohrid Lake. Nullam ac justo efficitur, tristique ligula a, pellentesque ipsum. Inter Hotel Sandanski. The old town of Ohrid & The Presidential Villa Tour. The agency is a consecutive member of IATA. Прифатливите цени, во. Popularna i za porodice povoljna destinacija Turska Bodrum leto 2023, pruža odličan odnos cene i kvaliteta usluge. Throughout the tour you will be riding a bicycle along Lake Ohrid shoreline. As a young and attractive country, Kosovo has a very rich culture and history. Nam nec tellus a odio tincidunt auctor a ornare non mauris vitae erat consequat auctor eu in elit. [email protected]. It takes you through the picturesque landscape of the national park Pelister and Galicica , where you have the opportunity to enjoy the magnificent views of Lake Prespa and Ohrid . In a beautiful nature, in a village near Ohrid city, you can have unique opportunity to try the Macedonian national drink – Rakia, and it doesn’t stop there, you can try the homemade juice from seasonal fruits and delicious Macedonian traditional food. Sed a accumsan orci. . Quisque augue ipsum, vehicula et tellus nec, maximus viverra metus. 10. The post Head Lamp appeared first on Fibula Tours. Crusing by the town and the presidential villa,you will have an opportunity to see the main culture points of Ohrid from another side. Cras elementum pretium est. -You will pass through different natural ambience and roads, it covers approx. from. Sample Croatia’s delightful food and wine. Grab the unique opportunity to taste the Ohrid trout. Starting the route from area along the borderline between the Republic of Macedonia and Albania. Fusce id ligula aliquam, malesuada ex ac, auctor nibh. Jane Sandanski 82/1/7, Skopje, North Macedonia +389 2 2437 606 +389 2 2456 353. Cappadocia. Quisque augue ipsum, vehicula et tellus nec, maximus viverra metus. Enjoy in exploring this colorful kaleidoscope. Praesent rutrum aliquam tellus at congue. Asa cum v-am obisnuit, va punem la dispozitie pachete charter catre. Fibula Air Travel. mk. E-Mail: [email protected]. Rezervišite on-line putovanje na našem sajtu za Egipat, Dubai, Kipar, Tunis i Španiju. Paket aranžmani sa autobuskim prevozom Krf 2023. 1. They charming us with ancient. The fibula and tibia are the two long bones of the lower leg. Fibula Travel, ju ofron udhëtim në Dubai dhe Abu Dhabi si dhe Plazh në Maldive. Свети Климент Охридски бр 53, Скопjе Репблика Македонjа Tel: +389 2238 082 - 2216 035 Fax: +389 2238 083 [email protected]. Accept the adventure of discovering secrets of prehistorical, ancient and medieval history on the background of famous and unspoiled places full with incredible beauty of divine nature. If you can ran 2-3 meters, you can fly with us! After a ten minute briefing our professional tandem pilot will take you into the air for a flight that lasts from 20 - 40. Nunc tincidunt lectus finibus dolor porttitor, nec rutrum dui mattis. Nunc tincidunt lectus finibus dolor porttitor, nec rutrum dui mattis. Discover Albania and Macedonia in 8 Days. Fibula Travel | Kosova Call Center: +383 38 400 020 [email protected]. Cras sollicitudin, tellus vitae condimentum egestas, libero dolor auctor tellus, eu consectetur neque elit quis nunc. This adventure takes you up to 1200m. Call Center Parteneri: +4021 210 17 17 Call Center Clienti: +4031 229 57 67 E-Mail: [email protected]. Nunc tincidunt lectus finibus dolor porttitor, nec rutrum dui mattis. You’ll most likely start your Kosovo trip in Pristina. St. The town of Debar is situated in the westernmost part of the Republic of Macedonia, close to the Albanian border. Најголем избор на хотели на пазарот како и најдобри цени за Анталија, Турција. Prijavi se Zatvori dijalog. Игуана Травел. Nam id nisi posuere, auctor dolor in, malesuada massa. Nunc tincidunt lectus finibus dolor porttitor, nec rutrum dui mattis. Crusing by the town and the presidential villa,you will have an opportunity to see the main culture points of Ohrid from another side. Many archaeological finds prove the affinity among the people who dwelled these soils since long ago to raise grapes and produce this nectar of the Gods. Enjoy in exploring this colorful kaleidoscope. Along the trail in. iban xk051501090004349068. Nam id nisi posuere, auctor dolor in, malesuada massa. In this area, you can see a large number of pelicans ,. Nullam ac justo efficitur, tristique ligula a, pellentesque ipsum. The capital and at the same time the biggest city in the Republic of Macedonia has about 800,000 inhabitants. Prema podacima turističke agencije Fibula, agencija je osnovana 1999. Enjoy on the fantastic off-road path, which. Get to know the secrets and beauties of centuries old city of Ohrid. Една од првите агенции во Македонија која работи со чартер летови за Турција и Египет. Macedonia has five significant features that make it known to tourists - long history, beautiful nature, hospitality, food/drinks and folklore. The tibia, or shinbone, is the weight-bearing bone and is. Antalya. Siam Elegance (Renovated in 2022. Пакет аранжмани. The ranch is at the village of Podgorci, situated on altitude of 900m above sea level among rich nature. 4WD Tours. Nullam ac justo efficitur, tristique ligula a, pellentesque ipsum.